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Project Title

From Vertical to Horizontal

Human is considered as a land-based animal but there are a series of triggers in the human body that occur as soon as the face is submerged, which is what is called the mammalian dive reflex. The heart rate decreases, going even down to 30% of normal rest-rate. The deeper the diver sinks, the more pronounced these reflexes become. As the pressure increases, the diver experiences a new feeling, with the body and the mind readjusted. The body gains a new kinaesthetic experience since it faces a new environment and learns how to deal with the negative space in his body (lack of O2)



To conclude, I am interested to capture the kinesthetic experience of dynamic apnea, where the body moves underwater only with one breath, and also the mental and physical preparation for this uncomfortable state of emptiness. How could this be a real scale installation on land and not in the water? A dry translation of the aquatic immersive experience.

Client / 



Role / 

Art Direction


Agency / 



Year / 


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